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Our Minister

Allan Smith

Click here for more information on our Minister who we share within the pastorate.

Our Elders

Elders are members of the congregation who have been chosen by their fellow members to share with the minister in the pastoral oversight and leadership of the church, meeting together in the monthly elders’ meeting and each having a small group of members entrusted to their pastoral care

Diana Collett

Church Secretary

Ruth Gillett

Robert Kinghorn

Peter Williams

Jenny Oliver

Our Organist

Mrs Ruth Gillett was appointed organist in 2018 and took over after Martyn, having been both deputy Organist for several years and Choir Mistress

The Organ was maintained by Mr John Burns, Organ manufacturer from Nuneaton who continued his family’s connection in the construction of pipe organs and was responsible for a complete refurbishment. It is now being maintained by Cousans (Organs Ltd) Tel 01530 588917 (Website www.cousansorgans.co.uk)

Want to know some more history about the organ? Click here