‘We are a fellowship, worshipping God, supporting each other and proclaiming our Christian faith in the community and beyond’.
At the heart of Bedworth, we are a traditional church but open to new things. We strive to be an inclusive, open-minded and welcoming congregation. You can find us behind the Domestic and General offices on Leicester Street – at the end of Old Meeting Yard.
We believe firmly in the Message of the Good News and in sharing this outside of the normal Sunday framework, through our daily lives and voluntary works and engagement with the community. We are young at heart and rooted in our community.
We have an energetic Messy Church which meets once a month, where families can share in craft activities, friendship and hear Gospel stories in new and different ways.
Our building is the oldest complete building in the town, and opens its doors to the community through the week through a range of groups and organisations. We regularly hold fundraising and social activities which are well supported by the local community.
Pancake Mornings, Hot Cross Bun and Coffee mornings, Strawberry Teas and Harvest Lunches are held each year. An Armistice concert with a local brass band was held every year for many years and other choirs and musical groups also perform from time to time.