Trinity Church is a welcoming, friendly and accepting Church, reflecting many aspects of the wider community of Atherstone town itself. These attributes of the church which are seen as vital to a place of Christian worship and fellowship, are evident in all aspects of the life of the Church – among regular church members and worshippers, responding to preachers, visitors, extended church family, people who use Trinity Church premises, those who support Trinity Church events and members of surrounding local churches when worship is shared.
A strong sense of caring for each other is palpable within the immediate church family. The warmth of greeting as people arrive for worship echoes sincerity and a true desire to connect with each other, along with many conversations which ensure that each person feels valued, cared for and needed. Church members ensure that both happy and sad times are shared. There is a secure network of communication between people, which conveys the importance of supporting each other and those linked with the church. This aspect of the life of Trinity Church can best be summed up as its “in-house” care approach.
Trinity’s concern for people extends beyond immediate church members and out into the wider community, and is expressed both locally e.g. the response to Food Banks and world wide, raising money for the Church of North India and supporting the work of “All We Can”. We have also provided solar powered ovens for refugee camps in Chad, a block of toilets in Malawi, tools for Work Aid, practical items for children cared for by Chintowa Trust and Hope Nursery in Kenya as well as donations to local charities.
Trinity Church boasts a strong team spirit which declares itself throughout the year both in its worship life and programme of additional activities e.g. planning and running fundraising/social events. There is a spirit of generosity expressed by the church both in terms of time and money and a real sense of hospitality wherever people meet, be it within a church meeting or a home or when sharing a meal with each other.
As Trinity Church represents a range of Christian denominations, the church is privileged to be able to draw upon a wide range of worship leaders which helps to enrich the worship life of the congregation. Those leading worship bring their own spiritual response to each service giving Trinity a rich variety of styles of worship ministry. The church congregation is both happy to embrace this range of approaches and appreciative of the opportunities it offers for both congregational and personal worship.